Business growth through customised solutions.

Sales acceleration 

Timely data and insights designed increase the velocity and relevance of customer conversions. 

From initial qualification through final negotiations, track, segment and communicate with leads to convert them from a prospect to a paying customer, with advanced lead nurturing features. 

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Customer Support 

Research shows that customers are willing to even pay more for a good customer service experience. Make marketing and customer service work together, as each department can make the other’s job easier and achieve goals faster. Access everything you need to get to know your customers and build stronger customer relationships over time. This way, you’ll manage your team and grow your business without costs and complexity of managing customer service efforts manually. 

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Marketing automatisation 

Build automated marketing campaigns in minutes to start capturing more leads. 

The advanced set of features can help your team build more personalized campaigns and better customer targeting. 

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NSF Together’s ready-to-support Team will help you build and grow your business to the next level with services of strategic management. 

  • Business plan and P&L review
  • Online strategies of acquisition and CRM tools
  • Platform and tool selection
  • Support & configuration 

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NSF Together Investment Ltd.